Are you a female entrepreneur grappling with the challenging task of balancing your professional ambitions with personal obligations? 
Are you among the countless women facing chronic trauma and stress, longing to acquire the skills needed to break the cycle of generational trauma and chart a brighter path for yourself and your family? 
Are you a female sensing a deep calling to assert your sovereignty, where you hold full command over the crucial aspects of your life, paving the way for an empowered existence for both yourself and your family?

Who and what is Awaken with Intention, LLC?
If you answer yes to any of the questions above, we have been where you are now. We have experienced indescribable loss and trauma as well. We have decided to not allow these experiences to define us. We are alchemists of the soul. We are a group of professionally certified coaches awakened to an intention to help women who want agency over their lives. Awaken with Intention, LLC is a coaching firm built by women to help all women be alchemists for their one wild and precious life.
Our Vision
We envision a future where every woman stands confidently in her power, reclaiming her inherent strength and individuality. Through empowerment initiatives that encourage women to embrace authenticity and speak their truths, we foresee a ripple effect of empowerment spreading globally. This movement will uplift and inspire women, catalyzing positive change across the world. Driven by this profound vision, we wake each morning with a resolute purpose: to empower women and facilitate their journey toward self-discovery and agency.
Our Mission
As "Resilience Coaches," we harness a distinct amalgamation of experiences – navigating personal trials, diverse professional endeavors, and global exploration – to guide women in accessing their inner strength and intuition. Through this journey of self-exploration and empowerment, we empower women to unleash their innate talents and manifest meaningful change in their lives. Our mission is to catalyze transformation, enabling women to embrace their fullest potential and fulfill their highest callings with confidence and conviction.
Our Services and Modalities
Our coaches have each taken over 150+ hours in various coaching modalities and have received their professional coach certification through the International Coaching Federation. Their training has included not only certifications in life, spiritual, and business coaching, but also in other modalities such as therapeutic art practices, trauma and grief healing,  meditation, yoga, Reiki, Tai Chi, Feeding Your Demons, and mind-body healing. 
Our vast coaching skills allow us to provide life-affirming and vitalization programs through the following services. If you would like more information or would like to schedule a complimentary session, click the button below.

Individual Coaching
Group Coaching
Mastermind Groups
Empowerment Retreats
Website created with Adobe Portfolio. All content and media are the ownership of Awaken With Intention, LLC and Jennifer L. White. Reproduction of any kind is strictly prohibited.  Copyrighted 2024.